Learning a second language through videos

Secondaria di I grado, Secondaria di II grado


Learning a second language through videos

How can videos help students learn a second language?


We will discuss be focusing on how videos can be used to achieve progress in second language acquisition and create new and different learning opportunities for students. Videos can be a great tool to motivate young learners, as we know that most of them are visual learners. However, the use of videos can involve many different learning styles, not only visual. The workshop will explain why and how. Activities based on videos deeply involve learners especially when they collaborate and communicate with each other, therefore eliciting critical and creative thinking.


First Session

  • Using a video as a tool in the language classroom 
  • How videos involve all learning styles 
  • How videos improve skills such as: communication in a foreign language, critical thinking, collaboration, global awareness, understanding different cultures and lifestyles and enhancing the four essential skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)

Second Session

  • How to use videos during a lesson. The speaker will offer clear and concrete examples 
  • Have your say! A chance to exchange views and ideas with colleagues


  • To give details about how all learning strategies can be involved when using a video 
  • To show strategies about how videos can be used during a lesson to reach the competences required by MIUR and the European key competences 
  • To exemplify how students can easily understand different cultures and lifestyles and how this can encourage them to become active citizens 
  • To illustrate how videos can be exploited in a Flipped Classroom approach 
  • To encourage discussion and the exchange of the best teaching practices


English Language Teaching Consultant


Possibilità di organizzare il seminario in forma mista con una durata totale di 4 ore di cui 1 ora online


3 ore 

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