What students really need

Secondaria di II grado


What students really need

 Bringing 21st-century competences and life skills into your classroom



In a world that is changing at an ever-increasing rate, many students are leaving schools and universities not fully prepared to address the challenges that they will face in work and life in a future that cannot be foreseen. Providing opportunities for students to develop 21st-century life skills and competences in the classroom, helps them to become life-long learners and to succeed in today’s rapidly changing society. We will define what 21st-century competences and life skills are, and explain how they relate to other key competences. We will also look at some practical examples of how we can incorporate them into our everyday teaching for the benefit of all our students.



First session

• Definition and explanation of 21st-century competences and life skills

• Relation to other competences

Second session

• Examples of practical activities incorporating the teaching of 21st-century competences and life skills



• Understand the meaning and role of 21st-century competences and life skills in today’s classroom

• Highlight the importance of teaching these skills to our students

• Understand the benefits for the students (and teachers) of this motivating approach



English Language Teaching Consultant



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